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October 2024 - Helene Knott

Oct 10th Presentation:  Gilding the Lilly - Embellishment for Beginners and Pros


This presentation and trunk show will explore a variety of embellishment applications from modest to ornate, to add a visual or textural pizzazz to quilts. Techniques such as hand and machine embroidery, beading, stamping/painting, confetti, and the materials needed, will be outlined; the presentation includes a trunk show of various embellished quilts and projects.

Workshop information:

Helene will teach us her Reversible Machine Appliqué. Participants in this class will end up with a reversible mini quilt with two identical (though mirror image) sides. For a first-time project, you will make a small quilt and then you can apply what you learn to a larger future project. The project is a tide pool theme and the class handout will include templates of starfish, seaweed, and seashells.

This is a hybrid meeting.   Helene will be joining us In-Person.

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About Helene:


In 1991, my family moved to Portland and I took a hiatus from regular employment to explore fiber arts and manage the two acres of property that we now live on. In 1999, my husband was laid off from his job and it became apparent that I would once again need to find gainful employment and so began teaching fiber and quilting classes. Over the years, I had won many awards at local, regional and national quilt shows and the recognition served me well in promoting myself as a teacher. I have expanded into designing commercial quilting patterns and currently have a line of patterns that are published by Story Quilts and continue working for them part time as an in-house designer.

I currently design patterns, teach quilting/fiber classes and take commissions for art quilts as well as participate in quilt and fiber art shows.

I am active in a number of guilds and art/quilting groups and like to stay involved with the quilting community. In addition to art, I have a passion for gourmet cooking, reading and music.

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