Monthly Meetings
Clark County Quilters meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month.
Meetings start at 7:00 pm with a social hour between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
We use a hybrid meeting format to allow members to attend via Zoom or in person.
At the meetings, you will hear national and local guest speakers talk (and show quilts) on a variety of topics. Upcoming meeting programs are found on the Programs page. There is a nominal non-member visitor fee.
Meeting location: Trinity Lutheran Church, 309 W 39th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
Meeting Schedule
In December and January, meetings are via Zoom only. Other months, meetings are a hybrid format, both in-person and via Zoom. Zoom meeting instructions are found in the Members Only section of the website. If you want to attend a meeting via Zoom as a guest, contact the CCQ President.
Social Hour Activities
The pre-meeting social hour from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm enables members and guests to not only visit with each other but also to participate in other guild activities. Not all of the listed activities are available at every meeting.
Sign up for Workshops and Retreats
Members can sign up and pay for Workshops, Spring Retreat and Fall Retreat.
The comfort quilts committee is available for members to drop off finished quilts and to pick up kits to make a top, tops for quilting, or quilts for binding.
Free Table
Members drop off UFOs, fabric, magazines, books, and other quilt and sewing-related items. As its name says, anything on the table is free to other members. Any items not taken should be picked up and taken back home
Raffle tickets, three tickets for a dollar, are sold for a drawing for gift certificates from a local quilt shop and other prizes.
Fat Quarter, Charms, and Strips Exchange
A monthly theme is chosen for the fat quarters, charm squares and/or strips. Participating members bring one or more fat quarters, 5" charm squares, or 2.5" strips and drop them off during the social hour. Each piece of fabric equals one entry into the drawing.
Block of the month
A monthly block exchange is announced in the newsletter. Participating members make one, two, or more of the monthly block and bring the blocks to the meeting. Each block equals one entry into the drawing for all of the blocks. -
Round Robin
Mystery Quilt
This year the guild is doing the Indigo Way Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt. To receive the clues, go to Bonnie’s blog, https://quiltville.blogspot.com, and subscribe to receive her blog posts.
Questions? Email mystery@clarkcountyquilters.com
Secret Pal
Show and Tell
Each meeting ends with Show and Tell where members share their quilts and accomplishments. An inspirational ending to a fun evening.
Meeting Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of general meetings is at the discretion of the President and Executive Board. Cancellation or postponement of a general meeting will be communicated via email and social media by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting. In addition, every effort will be made to notify each board member, new member, and contact person of each small group to help pass the information to as many members as possible.